Де тополя росте / Where the Poplar Grows (англ.)
Павло Тичина
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Де тополя росте / Where the Poplar Grows (англ.) - Павло Тичина
Автор: Павло Тичина
Написано: 2012 року
Твір додано: 21-10-2021, 14:05
Де тополя росте / Павло Тичина ; пер. з укр. Стефана Комарницького = Where the poplar grows / Pavlo Tychyna : [вибр. тв. в англ. пер.]. - К. : АДЕФ-Україна, 2012. - 47 с. - Текст укр., англ. - 1000 экз. - ISBN 978-966-187-149-5
A selection of Pavlo Tychyna's poems in Ukrainian and in Stephen Komarnyckyj's impressionistic English translations, which capture the power and beauty of the original. The book also includes a foreword and an interview with the translator. Sean Street, the renowned poet and broadcaster, described these poems as a "revelation" and, reviewing an edition of Modern Poetry in Translation in The Guardian, Charles Bembridge said, "What stands out are the extraordinarily delicate and hopeful lyrics written by Tychyna."
A selection of Pavlo Tychyna's poems in Ukrainian and in Stephen Komarnyckyj's impressionistic English translations, which capture the power and beauty of the original. The book also includes a foreword and an interview with the translator. Sean Street, the renowned poet and broadcaster, described these poems as a "revelation" and, reviewing an edition of Modern Poetry in Translation in The Guardian, Charles Bembridge said, "What stands out are the extraordinarily delicate and hopeful lyrics written by Tychyna."
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