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Ukraine's relations with the west: disinterest, partnership, disillusionment (англ.)
Ukraine's relations with the west: disinterest, partnership, disillusionment (англ.) - Тарас Кузьо
Не визначено
Написано: 2003 року
Твір додано: 20-10-2021, 16:38


Taras Kuzio (2003) Ukraine's relations with the west: disinterest, partnership,
disillusionment, European Security, 12:2, 21-44

Ukraine's relations with the West have gone through three periods of development since 1992. When relations with Ukraine have improved this has tended to be at the same time as relations between the West and Russia declined, and vice-versa. The first period is disinterest during 1992–94 when the West prioritised relations with a reformist Russia. The second period was 1995–99 when Ukraine and the West developed a strategic partnership. From 2000, Ukraine's relations with the West are best described as disillusionment due to the growing gap between official rhetoric of integration into Euro-Atlantic structures and Eurasian domestic policies.