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My journey (англ.)
My journey (англ.) - Петро-Йосип Потічний
Написано: 2012 року
Твір додано: 20-10-2021, 21:03


Potichnyj, Peter J..
My journey [Text] / Peter J. Potichnyj. - Lviv ; Ancaster : [s. n.], 2012. - 343 p. : phot. - Дод. тит. арк. укр. - Бібліогр.: с. 296-303. - ISBN 978-1-897431-40-5 (Canada)

A short biographical memoir of Peter-Joseph Potichnyj describing his life in Ukraine, Germany, USA and Canada, his service in the Ukrainian Insurgent Army and the United States Marine Corps and his scholarly interests as a Professor of McMaster University in Hamilton, Ontario.