"Polin". - Volume 26: Jews and Ukrainians (англ.)
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"Polin". - Volume 26: Jews and Ukrainians (англ.) - Збірник статей
Автор: Збірник статей
Написано: 2014 року
Твір додано: 20-10-2021, 20:49
Polin: Studies in Polish Jewry. - Volume 26: Jews and Ukrainians. Edited by Yohanan Petrovsky-Shtern and Antony Polonsky. - Oxford-Portland: The Littman Library of Jewish Civilization, 2014. - 572 pp.
Представлено статті, що стосуються українсько-єврейських стосунків.
Представлено статті, що стосуються українсько-єврейських стосунків.
Note on Place Names(page xv)
Note on Transliteration(page xvii)
The First Jews of Ukraine (DAN SHAPIRA, page 65)
The Jews of Lviv and the City Council in the Early Modern Period (MYRON KAPRAL, page 79)
Christian Anti-Judaism and Jewish-Orthodox Relations among the Eastern Slavs up to 1569 (ALEXANDER PERESWETOFF-MORATH, page 101)
Jews, Orthodox, and Uniates in the Ruthenian Lands (JUDITH KALIK, page 131)
Jews in Russian Travel Narratives of the Early Nineteenth Century (TARAS KOZNARSKY, page 147)
Between Nation and Class: Nataliya Kobrynska's Jewish Characters (AMELIA GLASER, page 183)
The Jewish Formations of Western Ukraine in the Civil War (YAROSLAV TYNCHENKO, page 197)
Jewish Themes in Volodymyr Vynnychenko's Writing (MYKOLA IV. SOROKA, page 213)
The 'Jewish Question' in the Ukrainian Nationalist Discourse of the Inter-War Period (TARAS KURYLO, page 233)
Breaking Taboos: The Holodomor and the Holocaust in Ukrainian-Jewish Relations (MYROSLAV SHKANDRIJ, page 259)
The Ukrainian Nationalist Movement and the Jews: Theoretical Reflections on Nationalism, Fascism, Rationality, Primordialism, and History (ALEXANDER J. MOTYL, page 275)
The Ukrainian Free University and the Jews (NICOLAS SZAFOWAL, page 297)
Imported Violence: Carpatho-Ruthenians and Jews in Carpatho-Ukraine, October 1938-March 1939 (RAZ SEGAL, page 313)
Metropolitan Andrey Sheptytsky and the Holocaust (JOHN-PAUL HIMKA, page 337)
We Did Not Recognize Our Country: The Rise of Antisemitism in Ukraine before and after the Second World War, 1937-1947 (VICTORIA KHITERER, page 361)
On the Twenty-Fifth Anniversary of the Murders in Baby Yar (IVAN DZYUBA, page 381)
Reminiscences about Friends (YURY (ARYE) VUDKA, page 391)
The Grains of Ukrainian-Israeli 'Solidarity' (YEVHEN SVERSTYUK, page 399)
Ukrainian-Jewish Relations: A Twenty-Five-Year Perspective (HOWARD ASTER AND PETER J. POTICHNYJ, page 407)
Yiddish: Identity and Language Politics in the Post-Soviet Ukrainian Jewish Community (VLADIMIR (ZE'EV) KHANIN, page 425)
'A City Not Forgotten: Memories of Jewish Lwów and the Holocaust': An Exhibition at the Galicia Jewish Museum, Kraków, June 2010-January 2011 (JAKUB NOWAKOWSKI, page 441)
Eight Jews in Search of a Grandfather (MYKOLA RYABCHUK, page 445)
A Note on the Names of the Golden Rose Synagogue in Lviv (SERGEY R. KRAVTSOV, page 457)
Notes on the Contributors(page 553)
Index(page 559)
Note on Place Names(page xv)
Note on Transliteration(page xvii)
The First Jews of Ukraine (DAN SHAPIRA, page 65)
The Jews of Lviv and the City Council in the Early Modern Period (MYRON KAPRAL, page 79)
Christian Anti-Judaism and Jewish-Orthodox Relations among the Eastern Slavs up to 1569 (ALEXANDER PERESWETOFF-MORATH, page 101)
Jews, Orthodox, and Uniates in the Ruthenian Lands (JUDITH KALIK, page 131)
Jews in Russian Travel Narratives of the Early Nineteenth Century (TARAS KOZNARSKY, page 147)
Between Nation and Class: Nataliya Kobrynska's Jewish Characters (AMELIA GLASER, page 183)
The Jewish Formations of Western Ukraine in the Civil War (YAROSLAV TYNCHENKO, page 197)
Jewish Themes in Volodymyr Vynnychenko's Writing (MYKOLA IV. SOROKA, page 213)
The 'Jewish Question' in the Ukrainian Nationalist Discourse of the Inter-War Period (TARAS KURYLO, page 233)
Breaking Taboos: The Holodomor and the Holocaust in Ukrainian-Jewish Relations (MYROSLAV SHKANDRIJ, page 259)
The Ukrainian Nationalist Movement and the Jews: Theoretical Reflections on Nationalism, Fascism, Rationality, Primordialism, and History (ALEXANDER J. MOTYL, page 275)
The Ukrainian Free University and the Jews (NICOLAS SZAFOWAL, page 297)
Imported Violence: Carpatho-Ruthenians and Jews in Carpatho-Ukraine, October 1938-March 1939 (RAZ SEGAL, page 313)
Metropolitan Andrey Sheptytsky and the Holocaust (JOHN-PAUL HIMKA, page 337)
We Did Not Recognize Our Country: The Rise of Antisemitism in Ukraine before and after the Second World War, 1937-1947 (VICTORIA KHITERER, page 361)
On the Twenty-Fifth Anniversary of the Murders in Baby Yar (IVAN DZYUBA, page 381)
Reminiscences about Friends (YURY (ARYE) VUDKA, page 391)
The Grains of Ukrainian-Israeli 'Solidarity' (YEVHEN SVERSTYUK, page 399)
Ukrainian-Jewish Relations: A Twenty-Five-Year Perspective (HOWARD ASTER AND PETER J. POTICHNYJ, page 407)
Yiddish: Identity and Language Politics in the Post-Soviet Ukrainian Jewish Community (VLADIMIR (ZE'EV) KHANIN, page 425)
'A City Not Forgotten: Memories of Jewish Lwów and the Holocaust': An Exhibition at the Galicia Jewish Museum, Kraków, June 2010-January 2011 (JAKUB NOWAKOWSKI, page 441)
Eight Jews in Search of a Grandfather (MYKOLA RYABCHUK, page 445)
A Note on the Names of the Golden Rose Synagogue in Lviv (SERGEY R. KRAVTSOV, page 457)
Notes on the Contributors(page 553)
Index(page 559)
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