"Polin". - Volume 12: Focusing on Galicia: Jews, Poles and Ukrainians 1772-1918 (англ.)
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"Polin". - Volume 12: Focusing on Galicia: Jews, Poles and Ukrainians 1772-1918 (англ.) - Збірник статей
Автор: Збірник статей
Написано: 1999 року
Твір додано: 20-10-2021, 20:49
Polin: Studies in Polish Jewry. - Volume 12: Focusing on Galicia: Jews, Poles and Ukrainians 1772-1918. Edited by Israel Bartal and Anthony Polonsky. - Oxford-Portland: The Littman Library of Jewish Civilization, 1999. - 396 pp.
Представлено статті, що стосуються Галичини.
Представлено статті, що стосуються Галичини.
Note on Names and Place-Names(page xv)
Table of Major Place-Names(page xvii)
Note on Transliteration(page xix)
Introduction: The Jews of Galicia under the Habsburgs (ISRAEL BARTAL and ANTONY POLONSKY, page 3)
Dimensions of a Triangle: Polish-Ukrainian-Jewish Relations in Austrian Galicia (JOHN-PAUL HIMKA, page 25)
Austrian First Impressions of Ethnic Relations in Galicia: The Case of Governor Anton von Pergen (FRANZ A. J. SZABO, page 49)
The Jewish Question in Galicia: The Reforms of Maria Theresa and Joseph II, 1772-1790 (STANISŁAW GRODZISKI, page 61)
Ludwig Gumplowicz's Programme for the Improvement of the Jewish Situation (HANNA KOZIŃSKA-WITT, page 73)
Enlightenment, Assimilation, and Modern Identity: The Jewish Élite in Galicia (JERZY HOLZER, page 79)
The Consequences of Galician Autonomy after 1867 (JÓZEF BUSZKO, page 86)
Politics, Religion, and National Identity: The Galician Jewish Vote in the 1873 Parliamentary Elections (RACHEL MANEKIN, page 100)
From Austeria to the Manor: Jewish Landowners in Autonomous Galicia (TOMASZ GĄSOWSKI, page 120)
A Ukrainian Answer to the Galician Ethnic Triangle: The Case of Ivan Franko (YAROSLAV HRYTSAK, page 137)
Galician Jewish Migration to Vienna (KLAUS HÖDL, page 147)
Yiddish as an Expression of Jewish Cultural Identity in Galicia and Vienna (GABRIELE KOHLBAUER-FRITZ, page 164)
Notes on the Contributors(page 375)
Glossary(page 380)
Index(page 387)
Table of Major Place-Names(page xvii)
Note on Transliteration(page xix)
Introduction: The Jews of Galicia under the Habsburgs (ISRAEL BARTAL and ANTONY POLONSKY, page 3)
Dimensions of a Triangle: Polish-Ukrainian-Jewish Relations in Austrian Galicia (JOHN-PAUL HIMKA, page 25)
Austrian First Impressions of Ethnic Relations in Galicia: The Case of Governor Anton von Pergen (FRANZ A. J. SZABO, page 49)
The Jewish Question in Galicia: The Reforms of Maria Theresa and Joseph II, 1772-1790 (STANISŁAW GRODZISKI, page 61)
Ludwig Gumplowicz's Programme for the Improvement of the Jewish Situation (HANNA KOZIŃSKA-WITT, page 73)
Enlightenment, Assimilation, and Modern Identity: The Jewish Élite in Galicia (JERZY HOLZER, page 79)
The Consequences of Galician Autonomy after 1867 (JÓZEF BUSZKO, page 86)
Politics, Religion, and National Identity: The Galician Jewish Vote in the 1873 Parliamentary Elections (RACHEL MANEKIN, page 100)
From Austeria to the Manor: Jewish Landowners in Autonomous Galicia (TOMASZ GĄSOWSKI, page 120)
A Ukrainian Answer to the Galician Ethnic Triangle: The Case of Ivan Franko (YAROSLAV HRYTSAK, page 137)
Galician Jewish Migration to Vienna (KLAUS HÖDL, page 147)
Yiddish as an Expression of Jewish Cultural Identity in Galicia and Vienna (GABRIELE KOHLBAUER-FRITZ, page 164)
Notes on the Contributors(page 375)
Glossary(page 380)
Index(page 387)
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