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On the Eve of Poltava the Letters of Ivan Mazepa to Adam Sieniawski 1704-1708 (англ.)
On the Eve of Poltava the Letters of Ivan Mazepa to Adam Sieniawski 1704-1708 (англ.) - Орест Субтельний
Написано: 1975 року
Твір додано: 20-10-2021, 13:59


On the Eve of Poltava: The Letters of Ivan Mazepa
to Adam Sieniawski 1704–1708 / Ed. O. Subtelny. Preface by O. Ohloblyn. New York: The Ukrainian Academy of Arts and Sciences in the U.S., 1975. — 159 p.

Portraits - 6
Preface - 12
Introduction - 15
Correspondance - 34
Summaries - 114
Notes - 136
Fascimiles - 148
Index - 153